Sawdust Bear

Designer Con Releases Round 3

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More Designer Con goodness for a mid week pick me up!

We hope you all can make it to Pasadena, CA this weekend. If you do, come visit us at Circus Posterus booth #700!

Dril tease

DrilOne will have a plethora of customs on hand.


Albino Anura Leeciferuses
by Leecifer
Edition of 5
$180 ea
Stan print“Summer” fine art print
By Stan Manoukian
Limited Edition for Designer Con and Stranger Factory
Spotted Dancer Fattybug
by Shing Yin Khor
More exclusives and releases soon!
Designer Con
November 8 and 9
Pasadena Convention Center 
Exhibit Hall A & B
300 East Green Street
Pasadena, CA 91101

Shing goes for a ribbon at The Science Fair

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sciencefairOur lovely Shing Yin Khor has kept herself crazy busy painting, sculpting, and playing with her kitty, and now she is going for a big win at Supahcute’s “Science Fair”! She even contributed to the super awesome poster!

Shing, along with numerous other artists, will have on display at Leanna Lin’s Wonderland an entire genome of amazing scientific related art. The opening is March 8 from 6-8pm. We know Shing loves her science, so we are cheering her on for a blue ribbon with her beasties and curiosities.

Come on down and talk nerdy to Shing!


Shing Yin Khor gets a tad curious

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Shing Yin Khor is definitely overworked but she still brings her A game for art shows every time. For the Circus Posterus “Traveling Circus” at Rotofugi, she even pushed herself a tad more with this brilliant Clown Jelly curiosity cabinet.

tumblr_mzptxwl9Rs1qacyzno7_1280Note all the different clown jelly sculpts and even a life cycle of polyps and medusa stages! The cabinet even includes articles from the sea and small science vials. This mount looks like something straight out of a zoology lab to me!
tumblr_mzptxwl9Rs1qacyzno4_1280There is even a drawer!!! What is in that drawer, you ask? Well, you have to go to Rotofugi to see!

Circus Posterus’ “Traveling Circus” at Rotofugi opens February 15 through March 9th. 

Destination Designer Con: Single Horned Gravebeast one-offs

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imageMore Designer Con news!!! Shing Yin Khor (Sawdust Bear) will have Single Horned Grave Beast one-offs available for $200 at the Circus Posterus booth #400. Mounted on wood, these uni-horned bugs are all expression filled and ready for the Pasadena Convention Center. Have those tentacles been grabbing powdered doughnuts?

This is a prime opportunity to pick up original art like these beasties by Shing and have a fun conversation. Shing is a delight to talk to and her vast knowledge of comics, art, bugs, and weird things knows no boundary.

Designer Con
November 9-10, 2013
Pasadena Convention Center
Exhibit Hall A & B
300 East Green Street
Pasadena, CA 91101

Watery Gravebeasts in “A Nervous Harbour”

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khor_s_waterygravebeastdioramabox2Shing Yin Khor keeps pushing herself and thus making amazing displays for her beastly creations. For “A Nervous Harbour“, Shing  has even more shadow boxes filled with the replica natural habitats of her ill-fated wonderous creatures.

This time around, we have the “Watery Gravebeast“! Stranger Factory gets two specimens surrounded by their natural and colorful coral, and these expression filled, tentacle wrapped gill breathers look quite comfy in their new home. Complete with a vintage taxonomy tag straight out of a 1950’s Bio class, Shing creates a perfect faux study of amazing animals.
Shing Yin Khor’s “A Nervous Harbour” opens September 6th at Stranger Factory Gallery. Shing will be present to talk about all her creations and their fun lives.


Shing Yin Khor’s Fabulous Boxes

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khor_s_kelpyfrilledfattybugboxShing Yin Khor is most definitely living up to her pseudonym “Sawdust Bear” with her show “A Nervous Harbour” at Stranger Factory this September. Straight out of zoology class, Shing has cut, constructed, and stained several shadow boxes for diorama displays containing her lovable and yet sometimes grumpy creatures and bugs.

Shing takes her post-mortem creatures back to their natural settings with her fabulous displays. You might find a “Kelpy Frilled Fattybug” nestled among its natural kelp and driftwood (above) or a snailbit in a coral study (below).

Shing also takes her work a step further down the museum path with a shadow box detailing the life cycle of the kelpy frilled fattybug. Three stages of cute and wonder, but are these polyp, ephyra, and medua stages? If you are as curious as we are on her creations, you can ask Shing herself at the opening September 6th, because she will be on hand to talk all about her delightful sculptures.

Clown Jellies spotted in “A Nervous Harbour”

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helmetedclownjelly_detailClown Jellies have been spotted at Shing Yin Khor’s  “A Nervous Harbour” . Shing has done what many oceanographers have only attempted, she has cataloged the infamous Clown Jelly for her show at Stranger Factory.

As she explains –

“Clown Jellies are invertebrates that are only visible in the water that is between 24 to 25 meters deep, no more, no less. If seen, Clown Jellies are easily distinguished by their vibrant colour. While colour wavelengths are absorbed by water, leaving much of the ocean a dullish blue tint to the human eye, Clown Jellies will always appear brightly coloured to divers, even if that is theoretically a scientific impossibility.”

Early reports say Shing has a couple different species of Clown Jelly specimens ready for the public, but right now only one has been spotted.

Above, we have one of the infamous Helmeted Clown Jellies. To keep the species true to form, Shing has created wood boxes with articles from the sea to simulate their home environment, but she also lets them stand alone in all their glory. Now, the Helmeted Clown Jellies are easily distinguishable from similar species by the helmet-like structure atop of their heads that sort of resembles a cap worn by the famous Steve Zissou crew members. We will have to find out from Shing’s research what this added structure means to the jellies, but we do know it adds a wonderous array of colors to this wonderful creature.
khor_s_helmetedclownjelly21You will find Shing’s Clown Jellies at “A Nervous Harbour” from September 6th – 29th, with an opening reception on Friday, September 6th from 6 – 9 PM. Shing will be present, and wishing Brad was there so she can crack new jokes.

Shing Yin Khor’s tiny paintings for “A Nervous Harbour”

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khor_s_scaleybugfig1Just like some of her bugs, Shing Yin Khor (Sawdust Bear) is going tiny for her exhibit “A Nervous Harbour” at Stranger Factory this September.

Shing transforms her amazing little creatures from a mounted study to a rendering Darwin himself would have cataloged if he had found these wayward beasts. With these 3″x3″ paintings, Shing has created the perfect accompaniment to her sculptures in size and cuteness. They will all come framed with an estimated price of $55-65, but we can tell you, these won’t last long because biologists love their animal studies.

What kind of painting do you need in your Sawdust Bear collection, a Clown Jelly or a Scaleybug?

“A Nervous Harbour” runs September 6th – 29th, with an opening reception on Friday, September 6th from 6 – 9 PM. Shing will be present, most likely right next to the reception doughnuts.

Recap: SUBTERRANE @ Stranger Factory, 11.9

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Hot on the heels of the DesignerCon hustle, the CP crew packed up and hightailed it back to Albuquerque to prepare for SUBTERRANE at Stranger Factory — a group sculpture show featuring new works from emerging 3D artists Carisa Swenson, Yosiell Lorenzo, Shing Yin Khor, Valency Genis, Shea Brittain and Melita Curphy … the majority of whom also attended DCon! With almost all of the artists in attendance (we missed you, Melita!), the reception was a riot and a sugar-laden one at that, thanks to our friends at Rebel Donut.

SUBTERRANE is on display through Dec. 3rd and works can be viewed here. A full gallery of the evening’s tomfoolery awaits you after the break.

Read More »Recap: SUBTERRANE @ Stranger Factory, 11.9