Amanda Louise Spayd

Chris Ryniak Joins Amanda Spayd in the Silkscreen Party

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A couple of days ago, Amanda Spayd shared with teh interwebs a teeny-tiny image of one of her critters holding what appears to be a lollipop. Remember that? Right. Good. Now what I love about the Ohio chapter of CP (or at least these two, *points at Chris* … *points at Mandi*), is that they’re sort of in cahoots, you see. They are co-conspirators of each other’s world domination plans (“critters UNITE!”), and they will undoubtedly succeed with the iron-fist charm of their big-eyed, roly-poly, snaggle-toothed dudes.

So what all this means is, if you see one, the other is often not far behind: one day after Amanda’s silkscreen tease, Mr. Ryniak revealed that he, too, is involved … *twirls mustache*.

Naturally, I can’t say much. But the chart does reveal something. Something quite interesting. And we’re going to do this advent calendar style, sans the cheap, waxy chocolate. ‘Til tomorrow, then!

Mandi’s Mysterious Silkscreen Project …

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This is seriously intriguing. Amanda Spayd dropped this juicy tidbit via various social media outlets earlier today: a silkscreen design that will be used … on something, sometime.

Cruel, Mandi. Real cruel. But you’re forgiven as we’re all freakin’ stoked you’re slingin’ the 2D works.

Anyone wish to hazard any guesses? Looks to be a lolly peeking out the corner, there. Hmmm … candy. Hmmm.

Monsters & Misfits II – A First Look

This April marks the one-year anniversary of Monsters & Misfits, a three-person exhibition by Kathie Olivas, Brandt Peters and Chris Ryniak that took place at the Kusakabe Folk Museum in Takayama, Japan. It was an exhibition that birthed some of the most challenging, influential, and beautiful works in the careers of these artists; an exhibition that they were unable to attend; an exhibition that helped raise $16,000 for disaster relief. Monsters & Misfits boosted the morale of the townspeople, helped rebuild a devastated city and reminded everyone of the healing power of art. It was prolific in all aspects.

And this year, we go bigger.

Circus Posterus returns to Japan this April for Monsters & Misfits II, a group show featuring new works from the original three artists, as well as Amanda Louise Spayd and Doktor A. Hosted for a second year by Tomenosuke-Syoten at the Kusakabe Folk Museum, the opening takes place on the eve of the Takayama Spring Festival, April 13th.

We kick things off with a progress shot from Kathie Olivas and Brandt Peters. Delight yourselves in discussion! There’s plenty more to come.

Mandi Debuts Her Monthly Newsletter!

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Well now, Amanda Louise Spayd is certainly looking to take 2012 by the horns: introducing new sketches, a sexy site overhaul and now a monthly(ish) newsletter (sign up here), it seems we all have much to look forward to before the apocalypse.

In this first edition, Mandi reveals that she has two solo shows queued up this year — at Rivet and Myplasticheart — and she’s also part of an “amazing show overseas that will be happening in the spring” (I know you guys can guess this!). Indubitably, 2012 will be the year of the critter, with both fabric and resin editions running amuck (bar the refrigerators!).

New from Amanda Spayd: Critter Sketches!

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Followers of Amanda Spayd’s Tumblr have likely noticed something a little different in the Critter Workshop as of late: her dudes have gone 2D! Yes indeedy, Mandi has busted out the sketch cards and pencils and is exploring the world of monsters in a simpler, albeit more intimate format than her popular mini print packs.

While she pegs the sketches as just a fun venture for now, expect an opportunity to purchase some original 2D work from Mandi early next year. More info on that in the coming weeks!

Amanda Spayd’s ‘The White Stag’ for Winter Salon

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Yeeeep, we’ve got more goodness from Amanda Louise Spayd for Stranger Factory’s Winter Salon group exhibition. Behold the majestic (and rather girthy!) ‘White Stag.’

… No words necessary for this beaut.

For anyone who has yet to sign up for the newsletter on the homepage … c’mon. Do it. Surrendering your soul has never felt so good.

Read More »Amanda Spayd’s ‘The White Stag’ for Winter Salon

‘Snowflake’ by Amanda Spayd for Winter Salon

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How befitting that Ms. Amanda Louise should call her latest custom ‘Snowflake,’ … I’m hard-pressed trying to think of soft sculptures quite as unique and wondrous as the critters we’ve all come to love.

‘Snowflake’ is part of Stranger Factory’s Winter Salon exhibition and, given that it’s just now making an appearance, I think it’s safe for us to assume it will be in tomorrow’s preview ;)

Read More »‘Snowflake’ by Amanda Spayd for Winter Salon