Well that was a hell of an entrance, wasn’t it? Following last year’s award-winning Trouble Boys collaboration, FERG and Brandt Peters reunite for TRIGGER, a two person exhibition at Stranger Factory, which mercilessly melted fans’ faces on both sides of the spectrum.
And CP’s servers suffered a similar fate: as soon as the taskbar clocks flipped to 12pm, the Circus Posterus and Stranger Factory websites were hit with such an unprecedented surge of traffic that it put them out of commission for nearly three hours (in which time the show nearly sells out). Pages weren’t loading, emails were bouncing back, fans were collectively panicking and eating their hair. A netplosion befitting of artists of this caliber, which was only amplified by their collaborative tact. Just look at the pictures.
Cool exhibitions aside, another reason I’m loving Stranger Factory is because it allows Kathie and Brandt an opportunity to use their exhibitions as a means to reveal/release new editions. KO’s Sweet & Sorrow saw the release of the Purple Greeter, and now a whole whack of new editions have debuted at TRIGGER: FERG’s Playge Doctor Skelve, the Overcast Kuma, 4-Legged Masao, and Fire-Eyes Mega Skelve (yes! An editioned Mega Skelve!), as well as the release of the Indigo Fade Skelve and reveal of Brandt’s next Trouble Boy: No. 7 Drifter for Tomenosuke. When an exhibition offers 2- and 3-dimensional works, individual and collaborative customs, limited editions, and sneak peeks from established artists at affordable prices, you cannot go wrong. But be prepared to fight crowds large enough to crack the websphere ;)
Enjoy the full gallery of photos here. More info on the new editions is forthcoming!