We thought we would show off just a couple more images from Chet Zar and Doktor A‘s Oddfellows before the spectacular preview is emailed out containing all the works. You might want to put a helmet on because these may blow your mind!
Chet has an abundance of stupefying paintings that are housed in hand sculpted and cast frames for the show. Just a couple to whet your appetite for now, okay?
Madonna, in all her cyclops glory.

Octoman with his lit cigarette and non caring eyes.
We didn’t forget about Doktor A at all, we were actually just picking our mouth up from off the floor.
We teased you with some lab equipment earlier in the month. Now we will show you Bradley Chloride as he concocts a new batch of emotions. Wait, isn’t there a scientist we know by the name of Brad? Coincidence maybe?
Oh, we can’t forget the fez wearing trio known as the Wrinkle Brothers.

Doktor A and Chet Zar’s Oddfellows opens at Stranger Factory on May 3rd with a reception from 6-9pm.