The Bewitching III preview will be coming out very soon, and have you signed up at to receive it? Well, to get your artistic mind salivating, we thought we would shot you three more pieces from the show.
Josh Stebbins‘ “candy rots other things too”. The creepy factor with this work is astounding from the vacant eyes to the rotting teeth, the veins in the face, and even the old world clothing. Even the sepia tone is perfect!
“Frightening Fez” by Jay Hollopeter adds more fun to Bewitching III’s already stellar lineup. Who doesn’t love a good fez and with candycorn!!!!! The bright colors pop on this as does the bad luck black cat that isn’t a fan of you looking at him!
Our last titillating teaser is by Robert Hoggard.” Thereminbot” allows you to bring your own creepy soundtrack to your holiday party because ol’ Thereminbot is a playable theremin and amp! This bot will set the mood and creepy factor when those trick or treaters come knocking! He even comes in his own vintage traveling preacher’s case!
Bewitching III opens this Friday, are you ready????