Watching a piece of art evolve from simple sketch or sculpture to something whole and ‘animate’ is one of my favourite things to behold. I’m a lover of processes and when it’s a show of this scale (we’re talkin’ Monsters & Misfits II) — with many artists working synchronously on the same project — there’s new gifts awaiting our eyes almost daily.
And this guy is somethin’ else. A variation of his ‘Dainty Nibbler’ sketch from last December (below), Chris Ryniak’s newest beastie is bound to be a show-stopper. Chris has already revealed that he’s quite the big boy at 19 inches tall, and he is indeed the first and last of his breed. …Give baby a kiss!!!
Monsters & Misfits II opens April 13th at the Kusakabe Folk Museum in Takayama, Japan.