Chris Ryniak

Bugbites and Pipsqueaks, landing in Japan!

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1236922_10153251190595515_1006939214_nMaking their debut at Monsters & Misfits III are Pipsqueaks and Bugbites by Amanda Louise Spayd and Chris Ryniak, so you better hide all your cookies and snacks!

Fans have been asking for minis for a while, and once again, our favourite artists have delivered! Chris and Amanda have been hard at work casting these little varmints in numerous colors, and they’ll be carrying these tiny friends to Japan as gifts for their amazing hosts and friends.

They may be making their debut in Japan but have no fear, there will be herds of them being made when they get back. We may even see some at Designer Con!

Look out for more Bugbite and Pipsqueak adventures in Japan!


It pays to be an active member of the Circus Posterus forum

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LottoDo you know we have our own Circus Posterus Forum? We do, right here. You can discuss everything from the artists in the roster, to current toys, to that horrible movie remake you spent money on. Being an active member on the forum also has it’s perks because sometimes amazing things happen!

Kathie took it upon herself to set aside a few of the SDCC items so others could have chance at the fun, and being an active member of the forum is the key. The details for the post SDCC lottery are as follows:

Open to boardies with 50+ posts as of this time and date.
Prices do not include shipping.

To sign up:

Comment in this thread with your boardname followed by your last name and Country to ship to, then list any items you are interested in the order of preference.


1. Miskat/ Olivas USA
CS1, MS5, CE1

**We will pick numbers next Wednesday, Aug. 28, you must make payment within 10 business days. Please DO NOT sign up if you think you might be unable to make payment. Please DO NOT sign up if you have not followed through on any list or purchase here prior to this.
**Once numbers are selected we will only allow one item per board member.

If you want to join the forum for next time, go right here. If you are a current member, don’t just come for the lottery, stay and be active again or Shing will get you!

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Chris Ryniak’s Monster Spirits

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Chris Ryniak’s brain is a limitless fountain of monster making ingenuity, and the recent appearance of a happy little lumpy idol on his Instagram feed made us all squeal in delight. These brightly coloured little doofuses are all set to wreak havoc and mischief, but we’re likely to forgive them because sitting at just 3.5″ high, they’re just so damn cute.


Despite being busy putting the finishing touches on some creatures for Monsters and Misfits III, and even busier hustling the others into shipping crates, Chris took the time to answer a few questions about these little Monster Spirits, and his upcoming trip to Japan!

Borbogule: Monster Spirit of Mischief

Borbogule: Monster Spirit of Mischief

CP: What’s your point of inspiration for these little monster spirits? 
CMR: My creatures are inherently invisible to humans, so it only makes sense that something exists that is invisible to them.

The Nuggleworts carry effigies of them on their heads to celebrate mischief and fun in the night parade.

CP: Besides Mischief, what other spirits do you have lined up?  
CMR: I hadn’t thought that far ahead, you may have just given me an idea!


What are you looking forward to the most on your return trip to Japan? 
CMR: Besides the food? The time worn architecture and strong sense of culture. Oh, and MANNERS, everyone is so polite!

What was your favourite experience the first time?
CMR: There were so many amazing experiences the first time, some of which took me by surprise.

We followed the Spring festival parade at night down a quiet street, when all of the Yatai floats stopped moving and everyone, including the crowd, started singing in unison.  It was haunting and beautiful, like something from another world.

Your larger sculptures are jawdropping. Will we be seeing more of those in the future; are you finding yourself drawn to larger formats?
CMR: THANKS! I have always wanted to work big…like BIG big, like 20-feet-tall big!  Working large has some real challenges and limitations, but it’s something I plan on doing periodically in the future.

Until someone offers a room with 20-foot ceilings and a cargo truck, I may have to keep the pieces between 3 and 4 feet high.


Chris Ryniak’s giant monsters!

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Chris Ryniak’s monsters have been growing up, and despite the image below, we’re definitely talking about the resin kind, not the human sort. If you follow Chris’ Instagram feed, you would have seen him wrestling with large foam armatures, and it’s been so exciting to see them finally come to life!

As Chris says – “Two monsters that I made.” although presumably, one is a collaboration. Chris is a man of many talents, but we are pretty sure those talents stop short of parthenogenesis.

Chris’ critters have gotten more and more expressive in the past couple years, bordering on the uncannily lifelike(if your life is kinda weird). This delightful green lump is clearly happy to be spending some time out in the garden, before he is unceremoniously packed up in a cargo crate to Japan.

Many of Chris’ fan favourite figures, such as the Crumbeater, Nugglewort and Bubblegut will return for Monsters and Misfits III, although it looks like they may take on some surprising and unanticipated forms. And – new to the Ryniak pack is a squinty, toothy, grinning lump, representing in the second row, and perched on top of a couple of Nuggleworts. We will bring you more details on that little dude shortly!


Monsters & Misfits III

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Monsters & Misfits III

A Circus Posterus Exhibit at Kusakabe Folk Museum

Circus Posterus is delighted to announce Monsters & Misfits III, an exhibit of new work presented in collaboration with Tomenosuke-Syoten. Monsters and Misfits III will be on display at the Kusakabe Folk Museum September 13th to 26th in Takayama, Japan.

Monsters and Misfits III will feature returning artists Brandt Peters, Kathie Olivas, Amanda Louise Spayd, Chris Ryniak and Doktor A, with Andrew Bell, Carisa Swenson, Ragnar and Stan Manoukian as new additions to the roster.

This museum-quality exhibit will bring you on a midnight parade through a strange and wonderful world of ghosts, spirits, monsters. This year’s group of Circus Posterus artists and friends present a hand-made circus of beady eyed critters, old dolls, odd children, and other oddities that promise to leave you awash in starry-eyed wonder.

Brandt Peters, Amanda Louise Spayd, Chris Ryniak, Doktor A and Andrew Bell will be attending the opening reception on September 13th.

Press images and additional artist information are available upon request from ourPress Manager.

The exhibit will run September 13th to 26th at the Kusakabe Folk Museum in Takayama, Japan, with an opening reception on September 13th.

Kusakabe Folk Museum
1-52 Ojinmachi

Takayama, Gifu Prefecture
+81 577-32-0072

Andrew Bell

About the Artists:

Brandt Peters is an internationally recognized artist, illustrator, character and toy designer. His work hearkens back to the earliest days of comics and animation, with a seeming simplicity that hides layers of intricate backstory. His unerring sense of composition, combined with a strong narrative thread that has consistently woven through all his work for the past decade, has made him a favorite of art and toy collectors the world over.

Kathie Olivas is an internationally exhibited multi-media artist from New Mexico. Through her current body of work she explores society’s insatiable desire to assign ‘cuteness’ and our discomfort with the unknown. A dark blend of early American portraiture set in post apocalyptic times, Kathie’s paintings and custom toys are a satirical look at how fear affects our sense of reality.

Amanda Louise Spayd is a maker of the highest order. An accomplished artist, sculptor, musician, soap maker, and student of perfumery, Amanda spends a lot of time in the woods, watching birds, collecting feathers, dead insects, bones, and other artifacts. She can often be found poking through antique stores looking for beat-up treasures for inspiration, which she finds in historical fashion and textiles, the excess and ridiculousness of high-societies past, natural materials and their inevitable decay, the raw and instinctual behaviors of animals, and in artists such as Jan Svankmajer, Odd Nerdrum, Joseph Cornell, and Hieronymous Bosch, among others.

Chris Ryniak

Doktor A is one the most well-known steampunk character artists in the world, and his work has set the industry standard for mechanical gentleman. His characters have been produced by multiple companies including Arts Unknown, DYZ Plastic, and Kidrobot.Chris Ryniak was born as a baby in 1976 in the suburbs of Detroit. He spent his childhood basking in the warm glow of Saturday morning cartoons and flipping over rocks in search of insects, reptiles and ghosts. A graduate and former instructor of the Ringling School of Art and Design, he is now a painter and sculptor of all manner of critters. Chris’ work has been exhibited in galleries throughout the United States, Europe, and Southeast Asia. His paintings have also been published in numerous books and periodicals in multiple countries. Chris resides in Ohio with his two children, and a collection of skulls that rivals many museums.

Andrew Bell’s work spans a wide spectrum of mediums from illustrations and paintings to toys and sculptures. Much of his work is brought together by a sense of humor that often belies a more serious and sombre message.   His work has been featured in solo and group gallery shows from LA to Paris and has been covered by publications such as The New York Times and Wired.

Doktor A

Carisa Swenson’s passion for creating curious creatures springs from many sources—a love of mythological tales and Ray Harryhausen’s creations when she was a child, an appreciative eye for Henson Workshop in her teens, to the weird and wonderful films of Jan Svankmajer and The Brothers Quay in her twenties. When Carisa studied with world-renowned doll artist Wendy Froud, the final die was cast: posable dolls would forever own her soul and trouble her nights, stirring her with a fervor that could only be quelled by stitching and sculpting her dreams into reality. Since 2006, Carisa’s work has been featured in several publications, including Spectrum 17 and 19, and exhibits her dolls throughout the United States as well as internationally.

Ragnar is an acclaimed artist and designer, inspired by all the things he loves; film noir, classic cartoons, mid century design and punk rock. After extended stays in Japan, Mexico, Taiwan and San Francisco he landed in Los Angeles to attend Art Center College Of Design. For the better part of a decade, creative projects have included working as character designer and art director for virtually every studio in town including- Disney, Cartoon Network, Nickelodeon, Sony, MTV and Warner Bros.

His punk rock ethos would eventually drive him back to the do-it-yourself world where he’s quickly garnered a large and growing following of fervent fans and collectors.

Stan Manoukian is an internationally recognized artist/illustrator, toy designer, seasoned comic book artist, development and story designer for film and commercials, who has been creating monsters and building fans for years in both Europe and the US. Impassioned by old books, dictionaries, old engraved plates and paintings, Manoukian is inspired to present his creatures within the manners and styling of old encyclopedias – indexing, classifying and properly documenting them for future generations.

Monsters & Misfits Monday: No sleep

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All the artists for Monsters & Misfits III are getting little to no rest since the big event is only a month away, and burning the midnight oil is an understatement. Talking to Amanda Louise Spayd yesterday, she thinks “I will sleep in October.” I had to point out that likely won’t happen since we still have Designercon in November.

This brings us to this week’s edition of Monsters & Misfits Monday! We thought we would show you the work spaces of the artists, and show you just exactly what they are doing these long busy days and nights.

Not a candy apple

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Back from SDCC

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sdcc18It was the best of times, and it was the worst of times… it was SDCC. Actually, it was just crazy, packed, exhausting times! All the Circus Posterus artists and staff at the convention had an amazing time. Thank you to Cardboard Spaceship for having us all out because it was a blast!!

On that not, we bring you just a few pictures from the San Diego Comic con because we were really busy.

Click more to see them

Read More »Back from SDCC

Ryniak’s drawings for SDCC

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Earlier this week, we told you about the updated plans for Circus Posterus at SDCC, and now we got some more goodies to share with the masses of con-goers. Chris Ryniak is in San Diego, with all of his cute, hungry, timid, curious, wide-eyed, fun, sometimes scary creature drawings, which will be at the Circus Posterus takeover of Cardboard Spaceship’s booth #5346 tomorrow.  

All Circus Posterus’ artist customs and work will be made available for purchase from 12 noon to close every day (Thursday – Sunday) during Comic-Con. Chris will also be signing and sketching at the booth on Saturday, July 20th at 4pm.