Red Death Pull Cart Wandering Misfit releases at Conjuring Mischief
Just in case you thought Conjuring Mischief couldn’t get more amazing, we will see the release of another exclusive Wandering Misfit to coincide with the show!
This time around, the Wandering Misfits mini series by Kathie Olivas and Brandt Peters from Cardboard Spaceship welcome the Red Death Pull Cart Skelve to the fold! This little trouble maker rolls into Albuquerque for the Conjuring Mischief opening on May 2, but have no fear, Misfit lovers, because we’ll have you covered too. The Red Death will be available on our online store on Monday, May 5 at a random time for those who can’t make it to Stranger Factory. We also sent a small handful over to our friends in Singapore at Adventures in Kitsch / Ozzo Collection to spread the Misfit love around the world.
Limited to only 100 at $15. One per household.
For any Singaporean collectors –
Adventures in Kitsch / Ozzo Collection
18 Cross Street, China Square Central, #02-22, Singapore 048423