The Stranger Factory Project Room will be filled to capacity this weekend with the brilliant craftmanship of Jen Musatto (Them Dollz). We have been bringing you numerous updates over the past few weeks on what will be at the show, and we realized we haven’t even grazed the surface of all the work. With that in mind, how about another preview?
Meet the ever so lovely Josette. Now you may fall for her mesmerizing blue eyes but behind those babies lie many secrets. She is a sinister gal, but shouldn’t let that dissuade you. She is dressed to impress and break many hearts in the process. Look out boys, if you are in Albuquerque this Friday for the opening, but don’t fret too much because Jen will be on hand to keep her in check.
Jen Musatto’s exhibit opens in the project room December 6 at 6pm. Jen will be attending to talk about her creations and meet with all in attendance.