Chris Ryniak’s Spooky Leftovers for Le Carnaval, 9.13
Now isn’t this cool. Over the years we’ve seen Chris Ryniak tackle many a monster; we’ve seen his interpretation of Rayolas, of Stitches and of Buff Monsters. He’s even taken on YHWH. But it wasn’t until last year’s Late Season at Stranger Factory that I saw my first 100% genuine Chris Ryniak ghost.
This was really interesting to me. Up until then, I’ve always viewed Chris’ creatures as being very real, substantial, living creatures. They leave foot prints and trails of slobber, scavenge your crumbs and roam the wooded areas. But then I saw this and it changed everything:
This is Ryniak’s ‘How It’s Made’. It’s a ghost-type creature eating candy corn … and, uh, producing recycled leaf matter :)
I was instantly wowed when I saw this as it was the first time I had seen the tangible and phantasmal collide in Chris’ universe.
Fast forward to now and he teases this on Instagram (@chrisryniak), calling it “spooky leftovers”:
It’s armature, yes. But look at the sketch. “Spooky leftovers”? Sounds like a ghost with an appetite. Which would certainly fit Chris’ MO, not to mention that Le Carnaval des Spectres is creeping up real fast. Eeeee!
With themes centred around ghosts, spirits and early American spiritualism, the CP gang is sure to pull out all of their best tricks for this one. They live for this. And let’s be honest: we’re due for a good haunt.
Le Carnaval des Spectres is a Circus Posterus group exhibition featuring new works from Brandt Peters, Kathie Olivas, Travis Louie, Chris Ryniak, Amanda Louise Spayd and Teodoru Badiu. The event opens Sept. 13th at Artoyz Shop + Galerie in Paris, France.