Carson Catlin

Weekly Roundup!

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Think you might have missed something out there on social media stratosphere this week? Have no fear, we have a roundup for you!

We are still jumping off of the walls with the announcement of Conjuring Mischief coming to Stranger Factory this May. This custom Skelve show has top notch talent doing their masterful work on our iconic mascot!

This week we got to see what Carson Catlin, Cassia Harries, and Carisa Swenson have in store for our beloved Skelve, and we learned a little bit about newcomer Cassia.

1970979_10151992841641516_2092123900858622304_nCassia Harries developing her skelve.


Before the cuts, Carson figures out a pattern.

CSEarly concept drawing from Carisa. I bet she has a few of these too!

More soon, but keep an eye on all our social media for the latest updates. Follow us on Instagram and Facebook for the latest news!