
Blank Bubbleguts and Crumbeaters are go!

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We have a prescription for current conditions of cold rain, snow, and general malaise, and the answer is a heavy dose of blank green Bubbleguts and Crumbeaters by Chris Ryniak. You can call these little monsters DIY, unpainted, or just blank, but even with their singular color, they are adorable and constantly hungry. If you want to give one of these green (not queasy) fiends a new home or a trip to a buffet, you can because they are now on sale in the Circus Posterus Store. 

Recap of Releases at Migration

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We’ve been bombarding you with so much information this past week, that you might be thinking “Wow, I really need a re-cap of all the production pieces releasing this weekend at Migration!”

Fortunately, we’ve got you covered! Chris Ryniak has a whole slew of editioned releases coming up in-store in two days, in addition to the giant pile of original art that will be inhabiting Stranger Factory’s walls.

minigut1. DIY mini Bubbleguts in green, price TBD

2. DIY mini Crumbeaters in green and orange, price TBD


3. CP+Tomenosuke’s Pickled Ginger edition of 120 (60 at CP and 60 at Tomenosuke) $89


4.  Mini Zombieguts edition of 33, price TBD

The remainder of the releases will go on sale in the Circus Posterus Store after the opening!

DIY Mini Crumbeaters and Bubbleguts

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Do you know what we like to do with already adorable sculpts? We make them even adorabler. You may already have seen some of our orange and green DIY mini Crumbeaters at DesignerCon, or in store at Stranger Factory.

Now, we’ve also shrunken our favourite pastry hoarder, Bubblegut, into a slightly miniaturized 4″ DIY version. Although – we’re pretty sure that that belly of his is still bigger on the inside.


We’re happy to tell you that both our resin DIY mini Bubbleguts and DIY mini Crumbeaters will be available for Migration at Stranger Factory on March 1st, and any that remain will make it to the online store in mid March! The details really shine on these scaled down guys, and we cannot wait to see what our creative followers cook up on this charming platform. We will be updating y’all with the price shortly.

Both Chris Ryniak and Amanda Louise Spayd will both be on hand for the opening, so if you’re coming to the show, don’t forget to tuck a Sharpie in your pocket! As per Stranger Factory opening night tradition, some Rebel Donuts will likely be on hand, but due to the recent influx of these fat critters, we cannot promise that they’ll be many left for you.

(Below, a Ryniak-enhanced Mini Crumbeater, and Meltdown Dunny, from DrilOne’s Flickr photostream, acquired at Designercon)


Have Backpack, Will Travel for Ryniak’s “Migration”

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I think Chris Ryniak was channeling Alexander Supertramp with some of the creations he has in store for us at “Migration“. (editor note: with much less awful death by starvation, because these guys are very unlikely to forgo food for very long).

Keeping with the theme of the show, a bevy of Bubbleguts, small and large, are adorned with overflowing backpacks full of candy and smores, and paired with hatchets and brightly coloured sleeping bags as they waddle onward on their journey. The detail and model making skill in these sculpts are downright impressive – tiny riveted leather straps, hand-wrapped twine, miniature wood bundles…Chris is knocking this show out of the park, and we cannot wait to see these little hikers unveiled!

Train hopping, camping, the wilderness, and beyond are no match for these hiking potbellies – as long as they got a good knapsack and tools on their back, they are ready for whatever the trail has ahead.





Stranger Factory is excited to play host to MIGRATION, the latest collaborative exhibit by Chris Ryniak and Amanda Louise Spayd. The opening reception is at Stranger Factory on Friday, March 1st from 6 PM – 9 PM.

Chris Ryniak’s “Crumblegut”

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Chris has been keeping us updated from his monster den on some of the creatures he is creating, and one of them seems to be a hybrid mega monster of epic epicness!!! It seems the “Crumblegut” has been born! We have some of his progress pics of the development below. From the images, this seems to be the genetic mutation of the crumbeater and bubblegut into a super monster that snatches your candycorn or maybe this relationship is like Masterblaster from Mad Max:Beyond Thunderdome. Well, whatever this lil fella is, he will be making his grand entrance at Bewitching II, opening Oct. 5 at Stranger Factory.

Beware, Kansas City! CMR’s Monsters are Coming for You!

Chris Ryniak‘s pint-sized army of critters for Spectrum is wrapped up and ready for action! The mini Bubbleguts, mini Crumbeaters and regular Crumbeaters are each an edition of six and customized lovingly by CMR. You’ll find them crawling about the CP booth (#919), probably nibbling on the corners of prints or sleeping in a pile of t-shirts. Be early, folks — these are always the first to go!

Spectrum Fantastic Art Live kicks off May 18th through the 20th at the Kansas City Convention Center in Kansas City, MO.


CMR’s ‘Berry Triggle’ & ‘Great Gruggle’ for Monsters & Misfits II

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The week of Monsters & Misfits II is finally upon us, and while Kathie, Brandt, Chris and Amanda drive each other crazy on a plane for the next 12 hours, we get to enjoy some sweet final teasers for the event before the big opening on the 13th. From Chris Ryniak’s monster studio comes Berry Triggle, a custom Bubblegut, and Great Gruggle: The Candied Overlord, which I believe is an original sculpt (who stands an impressive 18 inches).

Stay tuned as we drop more teasers to celebrate the opening of this special CP exhibition! Best wishes and congratulations to the artists as they travel to Takayama to meet their monsters and all of the Japanese collectors! It’s been a long time coming!

KOxBPxCMR Mini Resin Set for Japan Sale + Info!

As part of the Japan sale comes the release of Circus Posterus’ first-ever mini resin set featuring familiar favourites: Kathie and Brandt’s Mini Masao Skelve (w/ ‘Boo’ style mask) and Chris Ryniak’s Bubblegut and Crumbeater. Dimensionally speaking, the Mini Skelve appears unchanged, but the usually 6-inch Bubblegut has shrunk a few inches (Minigut?), as has the Crumbeater. A Mini Skelve is 4.25 inches tall, to give you an idea of scale.

As mentioned, these will be available for CP’s Japan fundraiser for $135 + shipping. They’re an edition of 66 pieces and will only be available as a set (take heed!). The sale is slated for either April 2nd or April 3rd — I’ll lean on the horn as soon as KO&BP cement a date.


What Happens When You Steal a Bubblegut’s Ice Cream

You have to hand it to Chris Ryniak for his mastery of the tragicomical. I mean, this is ridiculous: this guy’s pout is so deep that his chin and forehead probably hurt, while for us it’s our guts from laughing. This is the freestanding Bubblegut we first glimpsed a few weeks back, and what’s funny is that his gut was so big that Chris had to shave some of it off. Poor little beast … I wonder when he last saw his toes. Anyway, we’ll see this fella with all of his friends at Monsters & Misfits II in Japan. Exhibition kicks off April 13th!