Mikee’s Mail Day: Cure Fungah!
This week is kind of a cheat. I have many things on the way but no mail this week (so bummed!). Luckily I have these awesome bosses who brought me back a surprise from Paris, so Mikee’s Mail Day continues and the toys keep coming in!
This week we have a Fungah by the almighty and unstoppable Cure. Cure are based out of Japan and make some of the best vinyl goodies out there. The Fungah here is a good example of the fun side of Cure, which would also include their minis called Suck Flies. Reminiscent of a monster we’re familiar with, this specific version is done in the Frankenberry colorway! Nothing like vinyl toys and cereal, it takes me back to my days as a mischievous youth. Cure also make the amazing fellows surrounding our pink friend called Boogie Men. But I feel we should save them for later; something tells me a story about them is on the way…
Until next time, live that 24/7 Toy Life!