One of the best things about opening weekends at Stranger Factory (besides awesome art, delicious doughnuts, and the grinning faces of the Stranger Factory crew) are the fantastic art workshops offered every month. This month, a sculpting and lecture workshop – The Shape of Art: How Not To Be Square – by Valency and Tim Lee, was no exception.
During the workshop, both Valency and Tim discussed their process with developing and working with three dimensional platforms – Valency with her taxidermy mounts, and Tim with his hand cut wood shapes.
Lots of tips and tricks were shared, as well as lots of bad jokes and cookies. In the image below, Katie, the new Stranger Factory assistant, is to the left, sculpting a pretty lacey texture. The lower half of Tim Lee is in the background, discussing his process. Mikee is Mikee.
Read on for some photographs of the workshop, and to check out our student works!
Adrienne, one of our wonderful gallery regulars, and her beautifully scaled crocodile!
Frank and Mikee somehow managed to sculpt a matching set.
Another new addition to the Stranger Factory family, Rene! He’s the new workshop coordinator, and he’s customizing a skelve…
That’s all for now(also, most of my pictures were blurry)! We will be posting information regarding our July workshop very, very soon(it’ll be a painting workshop) – so stay tuned!