Bloody ‘ell! Doubleparlour gets gooey for Pink Eye.

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I’ve been following Doubleparlour’s work for several years, and seeing their work evolve from sculptures of haunting young girls to truly disconcerting creatures has been a a definite trip. Their brand of uncomfortable charm is inspiring, and their often unpredictable directions are equal parts fascinating and dizzying.  For their May show at Stranger Factory(called Pink Eye), Ernie and Cassandra are busting out a whole new range of off-balance humanoids and slightly leaky critters.

Here are some works-in-progress for the show, and we can’t wait to show you more!

Expect a larger amount of kinda-gross orifices in May.


Never have I found the addition of (real?) hair to sculptures so potentially terrifying.


And finally, some work on two of three baby-faced Miettes that will appear at the show…


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