Things are getting big for Monsters and Misfits III

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m7m3_slideSeptember will be here in the blink of an eye, and we have been keeping tabs on what the Circus Posterus artists and invited guests have been up to for Monsters & Misfits III.

I don’t think the crew had the old saying “go big or go home” in mind with this show, because I don’t think many of them would want to go back home…so they are just going big! From the looks of it, Brandt is in the process of making an epic sized white whale…scratch that – an epic size narwhal named Mortimer. Ryniak on the other hand, has taken to creating a beast so large his son could ride it to school! Don’t worry, these guys will create amazing work in all shapes and sizes, and not just miniature pony sizes.

BP whale


he likes em big


The Monsters and our team of Misfits head over to Japan this September, and we will be keeping you up to date, as all the amazing pieces come to life!


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