More SDCC Goodies!

Time to jump right in to more San Diego Comic Con goodness!
clClementine is coming to ‪#‎sdcc‬!
This amazing lass by Kathie Olivas and produced by Circus Posterus x Tomenosuke is limited to only 100 and will have a general release after the con. Lucky for you #sdcc goers, we are bringing a few to Cardboard Spaceship booth 5638!

CMRBooger Bandana Grubthum by Chris Ryniak will be available in very limited quantities starting this Friday, July 10!


Cardboard Specaeship does it again with an Amanda Louise Spayd ‪#‎sdcc‬exclusive!
Limited to only 100, this “tropical” version of Clover from the upcoming Thimblestump Hollow mini series!


More soon!