Circus Folk: Austin Auch

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Trouble Boy gangIt’s a new year, and time for a new round of Circus Folk!

If you are new to our gaggle of misfits, Circus Folk is where we showcase the beautiful collections of our many collectors one at a time. We love our collectors and are constantly awed by their collections,

Our showcase this week is a passionate collector of Brandt and Ferg’s work – the brilliant collection of Austin Auch! You may know Austin from the Collect and Destroy forum and from the Circus Posterus forum, where he has taken on the awesome task of “365 Days of Trouble” – photographing a Trouble Boy all over the map!

Gazing at Austin’s collection, it is easy to see that he loves the world of Squadts and everything Ferg. The wide variety and number of pieces is astoundin and comprehensive, and it’s always a honour to get a peek into a labour of love like Austin’s. The love for Circus Posterus and many other works don’t go unnoticed either. We might be pretty biased, but we think that Austin has great taste!

We cannot display this gallery

Thank you, Austin!

Are you ready for TRIGGER II yet?

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